Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The new apartment is going well. I have been Susie Homemaker there. I wet vac'ed the carpet (it was soooo nasty..still kind of nasty but not nearly as bad), I MADE new drapes (they're huge), and last weekend I finally deep cleaned the kitchen. Naturally, my roommates love me. And I love them, for the most part.

Well, I love two of them, Mariah and Kyle. They are rad. The other one is..well. You know, here in the city it always seems to go like this. If you move into an apartment that is shared, there are some people that have been there for a few months, year or two, but then there is that one person who has been there forever and will probably never leave. And there's probably a reason for that. But you can't dislike this person, because it is due to this person and the power of rent control that your rent is not astronomically expensive. So you have to be grateful for this person, but this person is often times socially awkward, creepy, or in some other way, weird.

So that's my other roommate, Nevin. He's really weird. He stays in his room all the time, often times doing obscure psychedelic drugs by himself with the door closed. I wouldn't call him creepy (yet) but socially awkward, yes. I don't think he has any friends. And Mariah tells me he's a virgin. Twenty-seven year old virgin. Ouch. Although I wish the fourth person in the apartment was as cool as the rest of us, I donno, what can you do? He's been there the longest and is the one in control of the lease. So whatever, it's fine. And sometimes mildly amusing. Though also sometimes mildly uncomfortable.

Things with Brian are going well. I am trying to get used to not having drama in a relationship. It's all so eaaasy with him. It feels weird to me! Sometimes I'm worried that I'm bored with him, but I don't think I am. I think I'm actually just used to lots of stress in a relationship, and without that, I feel uncomfortable. We're going up to Yosemite this weekend. That'll be sweet.

Also I'm still talking to Andrew, which is good. We are still good friends. I am of course completely jealous of this new bitch he is hanging out with, but I think that's natural. How are you NOT supposed to be jealous? Even if I DON'T want him anymore? But the thing is I'm not completely totally sure that I don't want him anymore. If he were here, things would possibly be complicated. But he's NOT here and he's not GOING to be here and he's off playing around having fun in his life, and I'm ready to settle down. So it's a moot point I suppose. But still...